

The large-scale renewal of Tokyo Dome City, in which Hoshino Architects INC. is participating as master design architects, has won the Digital Signage Award 2024 'Grand Prix' Hoshino Architects INC. is participating as the master design architect in the large-scale renewal project of Tokyo Dome City, designed to revamp the landscape. As announced in the press release by Tokyo Dome Corporation, the new logo mark for the new Tokyo Dome City Visions has been selected for a number of major design awards in Japan and abroad. The logo, which is a part of this large-scale renewal project has been commended for its brand expression, concept, video linkage system and visual expression. In particular, Tokyo Dome City Visions was awarded the 'Grand Prix' at the Digital Signage Awards 2024. You can find out more about the award and the Tokyo Dome City Visions initiative in the press release by Tokyo Dome Corporation. Click here for Digital Signage Award 2024 winner. (JAPANESE) Click here for the press release from the TOKYO DOME CORPORATION. (JAPANESE) The design process and photos of other projects of Hoshino Architects are available on its official Instagram account.